Tips to Increase Milk Production

Tips to Increase Milk Production

Tips to Increase Milk Production

Cow’s milk is a very valuable food because it has high essential nutrient content, and according to research, by consuming milk, the risk of degenerative disease is low. The low consumption of animal protein has an impact on the quality of life.

The low milk production is caused by several determinants of livestock breeding, breeding and reproduction, provision and feeding, livestock raising, provision of facilities and infrastructure, and prevention of disease and treatment. Feed management has a proportion of seventy percent in milk productivity, and the remainder is breeding and cage management. In order to improve the efficiency of the management of livestock, especially feeding, it is necessary to carry out feeding strategies that include the provision of feed ingredients, ration preparation, feed presentation and associated institutional role.

The supply of dairy feed ingredients should take into account the factors of palatability, nutritional value, availability and not compete with human needs, and affordable prices. Dairy cows should be given two feed groups ie forage feed and concentrate feed. Forage feed is the main feed ruminants because through fermentation in the rumen by microbes, and can provide energy to meet basic life needs. While concentrate feed is a mixture of energy …

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